MASTERCLASS for Founders and 6-Figure Entrepreneurs

Qualify for a Self-Employed Mortgage Your Bank Said Was Impossible

Learn how to contribute to your residual income with our proven 4-step mortgage finance approval process tailored specifically for entrepreneurs.


Prioritize a Mortgage or your Business?

As an entrepreneur, you've been led to believe that owning a home means sacrificing your business. It's time to shatter this myth and realise that you don't have to compromise. Don't let these assumptions hold you back from building equity and enjoying the benefits of home ownership.

During our masterclass, we'll share real-life case studies and help you uncover the assumptions many entrepreneurs make when applying for a mortgage. The great news is, you can secure a mortgage as an entrepreneur without:

  • Having to put in a larger down payment
  • Selling or endangering your company to get the house of your dreams 
  • Being forced to sell your stock holdings

Embrace the possibilities for both your professional and personal life. Let's redefine the narrative and create a future where you can have it all.


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Prepare to acquire invaluable insights, strategies, and actionable solutions that will empower you on your journey to financial success.


Identify and Overcome Costly Home ownership Assumptions

Discover how to overcome misconceptions about owning a home that may be preventing you from becoming a homeowner, even as an entrepreneur. Don't believe the costly misunderstandings that suggest you can't run a business while owning a home. We'll show you how to spot and avoid these myths.

Learn Unconventional Strategies for Faster Mortgage Approval

Learn unconventional strategies to boost your net worth and expedite the mortgage approval process. If you're a business owner, you may have faced rejection for a loan pre-approval due to the bank's lack of comprehension regarding your business and cash flow.

Question Lower Interest Rates for Higher Long-Term Net Worth

To enhance your long-term net worth, it's wise to question lower interest rates and safeguard your financial future. Consider opting for a high-interest rate while purchasing a home.

Optimize Business and Personal Cash Flow for a Better Life Balance

Learn how to invest in a reliable done-with-you service that can help you optimize your business and personal cash flow, ultimately improving your overall life flow.

“I can make more bold business decisions knowing that I have an appreciating and cash flow property to hedge my bets with”

Jordy Tait, New Business Consultant and Entrepreneur




Can I qualify for a mortgage as a self-employed entrepreneur?

Absolutely! Being self-employed doesn't disqualify you from getting a mortgage. Lenders consider various factors, such as your income, business stability, and financial records, to assess your eligibility. Our masterclass will provide you with insights and strategies to improve your chances of securing a mortgage tailored to entrepreneurs.

Will applying for a mortgage affect my business finances?

Applying for a mortgage shouldn't have a direct impact on your business finances. However, it's crucial to manage your personal and business finances separately and maintain a clear financial record. Our masterclass will guide you on how to navigate the mortgage process without jeopardizing your business's financial stability.

Hosted by:

Paul Davidescu

Recognized as a Cash and Life Flow Entrepreneur

Paul has been helping startup founders and entrepreneurs since 2010, empowering them to boost their cash and life flow without relying entirely on external financiers or taking big risks. He has demonstrated his expertise in freeing founders from financial pressures through his innovative mortgage finance strategy and automated cash flow systems that require minimal effort. 

  • Founder of Level Up Mortgages (Vancouver and Toronto) 
  • Recipient of the President's Club and the 2022 Mortgage Broker of the Year in Canada
  • Co-Founder of Tangoo Sales Accelerator
  • Creator of The Grind Less Flow More Podcast

Want to explore your home ownership option?

chin hing

Chin Hing Chang

Positive: Professionalism, Quality

Paul is amazingly knowledgeable. He's really the best mortgage specialist that you can find if you are self-employed and want to understand the best options available to you. Paul will stop at nothing short of doing the best that he can to find you the right option for your needs.

Skai Dalziel

Skai Dalziel

Positive: Professionalism, Quality, Responsiveness, Value

Paul at Level Up Mortgages is a solid guy with a sharp mind that can think critically about how to help entrepreneurs qualify for mortgages when the banks don't make it easy. I would highly recommend working with him!


Zhou Hong

Positive: Professionalism, Responsiveness, Value

Because of his background as a successful entrepreneur, Paul is a perfect mortgage broker for busy professionals and entrepreneurs. He understands their unique needs and is capable of taking care of their financial health-being so that they can focus on their main businesses. With Paul's help, you can achieve the higher level in your professional and personal life!

Don't let false notions hold you back!


It's time to embark on this exciting journey together and achieve your dreams of home ownership while growing your business.